Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A few general observations

1. Cellphones - Israelis young and old love cell phones. They love talking on them. They love speakerphone. They love to listen to shitty quality music as they walk. Best part is they are called Pelephones here.

2. Hunger - Israel has a fawtwa out against hunger. I feel that about 50 percent of the time I sit down there is a plate of pastries placed in front of me. Whenever I am with a family there is always way too much food. If you stop eating a plate of something is motioned your way and you are compelled to eat. They will cook 4 or 5 entrees per family meal. My adoptive mother was making schnitzel and I asked to try a piece before dinner. She put three big pieces on a small loaf of bread for me.

3. Parking Lots - A busy Israeli parking lot is indescribable. It is pure chaos.

4. I ate heart, lung and brain last night.

5. Real World - Many of the houses here look like they were once on The Real World. The house I am right now has a huge common area that is openly connected to the kitchen. You could have dinner party of like 40 in this room. You can also get drunk, make in out in the jacuzzi, make a racist comment to a black person and offend the token gay guy all within the sights of the camera in this room. At night the room is lit blue. I felt like I was swimming. If I recall the Real World carefully they light the houses in odd colors as well.

6. Rich Rod. In Rod we trust.

7. Today I was learning the colors in hebrew using a 3 year old's legos. About 10 other people were in the room, having fake conversations while watching me, occasionally laughing. I have never been so embarrassed in my life. The 3 year old's 2 year old cousin would say the color before I could.

8. Hospitality - People are incredibly nice here. I had several people invite me to their homes for Rosh Hashana.

9. Beans - During dinner with my adoptive family I was trying to ask what kind of beans we were eating. The father responded by saying something that sounded like Penis. I have no idea if he was trying to say beans, or was just being funny. Either way, it was very difficult not to laugh.

10. Word of the Post: Arsim - Think Jewish guidos. "The type of guy who spends 7000 shekels on a car and 4000 shekels on the speakers. See here: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=arsim


Matt said...

jauthry this is great. keep up the good work.

Steve said...

i like how you were aware that their conversations were actually fake and that you were the sole focus of their attention